Friday, January 28, 2011

Boys have it easier...

CW: 125

I ended up eating about 900 calories yesterday... if this was day 2 of 2468, I soooo failed. However, considering the fact that I took a dance class, 800 calories is actually not that bad. I ate fruits for breakfast, rice/eggs/spinach for lunch, and chicken noodle soup for dinner... then I got really hungry and ate some berries and 1/2 cup of calorie-filled tea. Looking back,  my diet was not that bad, because I was tempted to eat junk food and a lot of it at that. My roommate stocks up on ice cream and chocolate, then doesn't eat it!!!! That sometimes pisses me off because she KNOWS I'm trying to lose weight... *sigh... not that it really matters because when I feel like getting junk food, I do it anyway by going to Walmart/CVS... BUT yesterday, I didn't. And I should be proud of that. =).

I have a guy friend who's also trying to lose weight (not that he needs to, lol). He lost 7 pounds in 5 days!!!!! That just makes me go "ARGGGHHHH!!!". I read in an article somewhere that guys have an easier time losing weight because of hormones and muscle mass. Biologically, women tend to hold onto fat more because our bodies are made for "childbearing"... This sucks...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2468 diet

CW: 125 lbs

I've been reading that the 2468 diet is one way to jump-start your metabolism. So I'm going to try one cycle of it. I do believe that prolonging such a low caloric amount is bad for my health; however, I doubt four days will harm me too much. There are tons of health nuts who go on water fasts for extended periods of time, and they turn out fine if not better than their previous selves.

I will try to eat fruits and vegetables as opposed to high caloric, processed foods. I will also drink TONS of water and tea to keep myself from keeling over. lol.

I have hatha yoga later on today, which should be interesting... If I can finish the class, it should help wring the toxins out of my body and help me build muscle. Wish me luck. =)

*sigh... 2468 fail! lol. I was going well until about 3pm. I got so hungry, that I ate more than I should have. In total, I ate 1200 calories... 6x more than I should have... I did do hatha yoga for 1h 30minutes though, so I can subtract about 290 calories. In total, the net calories I consumed was 883... I still should be losing weight at this rate, but not fast enough...